One of LEMP’s best moments is to hear an alumni sharing their story of how the program not only changed their life, but how they are also changing other lives, and by extension the world around them. Well, such is the story that I am about to share. Its the story of Ngumbo Njoroge, an alumni of LEMP Season 2 (the chap in glasses in the picture above).
I remember the first time I met Ngumbo on October 10, 2015 in our second class of LEMP Season 2. Apparently he had missed the first class because that is the day he was to commit suicide. He showed up in class looking lost, dejected and frustrated in life. Our first conversation will forever be engraved in my memory. He had hit rock bottom and was in the process of contemplating suicide. I have decided to give this program a chance. Its my last shot. I have nothing to live for at all, he spoke with finality.
Fast forward to now, Ngumbo story makes me give glory to God for turning his life around. His is a story of hope, gratitude, and more importantly a story of how to live effectively on earth. Ngumbo sent us this email and we couldn’t resist sharing. As you read it, remember this: We are all alive on this earth at this moment in history with a divine assignment – to make a difference in our society:
Hello LEMP,
Happy to inform you that we launched Gatanga Youth Mentorship Program on 19th February. In a conversation with Mr Douglas Waudo earlier this year, I had expressed intent to share some of the ideas I had picked from LEMP’s Season 2 with other young people, for me that was through a mentorship program targeting high school and primary school students in my Gatanga constituency of Murang’a County.
I shared the idea with friends and peers and so far the program has a team of 15 mentors. We had our first event at Jogoo Kimakia school on 19th February that was very successful and we are receiving positive feedback from the students, the administration and other stakeholders. It was the first of its kind in the school.
Our vision is to roll out to other schools in the district. Our next event will be in March, this time in a primary school. Our goal is to share our experiences and knowledge to the younger generation to equip them to become agents of change in society.
I am personally grateful to LEMP for positively influencing me. I am positively influencing the world in the best way LEMP taught me. I may not change the whole world but through this program, I will change someone’s world.
God bless LEMP. God bless Africa.
Ngumbo Njoroge- Agent of Change and LEMP Alumni.
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I love the way Lemp is transforming lives. keep up the good work guys.